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Umbrellas can be purchased from the Pawn Shop, Noodle Store and Aircom for ⓔ500 to ⓔ1000, each selling different variants. The standard colors are White, Clear, and Red, with two neon variants, which are Neon Pink and Neon Blue. The 3 standard colors can be purchased from various stores around Neon District detailed above, each coming with a different color of canopy, and all with a gray handle. The Neon umbrellas have a white canopy with a Neon handle depending on which variant purchased.

Because of the constant and relentless rain that batters the streets of Neon District, umbrellas are a must have for residents that live year round and through the rainy season. Many Executives and Syndicates opt for the higher-end Neon Umbrellas, them becoming a status symbol among the rich minority who can afford the pricey and unnecessary commodities; driving the capitalist conglomerates that have taken their place in Neon District.

The Neon variants of the umbrellas are based on props in the movie Blade Runner, which released in 1982 starring Harrison Ford. The umbrellas seen in the streets of a dystopian Los Angeles, not unlike the ambiance of Neon District.


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Noodle Water » Umbrella (black) » Noodle Pack » Noodles in a cup » Umbrella (clear)

