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Detox Spray is an equippable utility item purchased from Amery International for ⓔ2300. The Detox Spray is a handheld sprayer connected to a tank worn as a backpack which holds the cleansing chemical. The Detox gas can be sprayed from the nozzle, releasing a green gas-like mist. Often used alongside the HAZMAT Suit, also developed by Amery, it is a common tool used to stop the spread of the Eko-Virus present in the Neon District's Outbreak. Development took upwards of 5 years, research and prototyping done by the Biological department. Advanced nanobots are present in the spray, which, when configurated with the blueprint of a certain Virus or bacteria's cells, can single out said virus and efficiently remove it. This nanotechnology makes refilling the tank very expensive, so the Detox Spray is used as a last resort when dealing with the Eko-Virus.


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Amery International」「Items
HAZMAT Suit (orange) » HAZMAT Suit (orange) » Detox Spray » Virus Scanner